Are you ready to be inspired? You'll be empowered and renewed as you listen to true stories of people just like you (and perhaps not so much like you!) that have failed and succeeded in this adventure we call life. Your hosts, Nick n Nancy share their own adventures from past to present spanning over three decades together. These powerful true life stories are filled and presented with unrivaled passion that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Although we come from different walks of life, and experience diverse issues, we all still bleed the same juice. It's time to come together, lock arms, and smash the barriers that keep us from living our best lives. Looking for a community of inspired, Fuckn Authentic people? Go to www.Fucknauthentic.com. Once there, you can also submit your story to possibly be a guest on our show. We look forward to connecting with you.
Nick n Nancy
What We've Lost and What We've Learned

The Power of Forgiveness and Letting Go

Marathon Man

Continuing to Learn

A Passionate Rant About Fake Christians

Diabetes, Celiac, Sexual Abuse and Rape. No one should have to endure this much pain.

Saying Yes More Often

Epic Fall Road Trip Through the Adirondacks and Beyond

Self-Care From the Adirondack Trail

Estrangement From Unbearable Pain to Understanding & Forgiveness

From Rejected to Revived: Kelsey's Unbelievable Journey of Redemption

Winners Always Quit. A Raw interview with Gabrielle Ianniello the Corporate Quitter

Marry My Sister? It's What God Wanted

Exorcisms Were Normal For Us Growing Up

He Said It'd Be Easier If You Were Dead

F*ck'n Authentic on Kayaks in Waupaca Wisconsin

How We Met (Part 4)

We All Have a Story To Tell

How We Met (Part 3)

How We Met (Part 2)

How We Met (Part 1)

Take the Time to Enjoy the Adventure

Nancy's Resilient Road: A Tale of Triumph Over Poverty

Unmasking Authenticity: A Heart-to-Heart with My Mom

Unveiling My Past: A Deep Dive into a Fundamentalist Upbringing