A Passionate Rant About Fake Christians

Nick n Nancy Season 1 Episode 22

In this solo episode, I’m going on an impassioned rant about my personal frustration with Christians who claim to be open and accepting but fail to follow through on their word. Listen to me vent about the hypocrisy of Christians who preach openness but refuse to have authentic conversations with people different from themselves. I’m challenging Christians to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. This unfiltered monologue will give you a raw look into my true feelings.


Timeline Summary:

[00:26] The backstory on our "Me Mondays".

[02:00] Reaching out to guests with great convos, but they ghost.

[04:52] The ironic thing is the ghosters are Christians!

[06:48] The meaning of our show is being open and authentic.

[08:44] Rant against Christian hypocrisy - claiming openness but judging others.

[12:30] This podcast is based on respecting differences, but Christians are too scared.

[15:11] Plea for real, authentic Christians to come on the podcast.


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It's time to get fucking authentic. Well, hello, folks, I am all alone tonight, man. So, right now I am recording here and I am on a walk. It's Monday night. And what happens on Mondays with Nancy and I is me Mondays, that's what they're called, we do a thing where, of course, what started it all, is I'm pretty much a nut job. And I want to be going all the time running around, out of the house, to the stores, outside, whatever, I just don't like sitting in the house. I don't like watching TV. On the other hand, Nancy, this is what makes us different, right? This is part of our differences, comes home and likes to chill out. And so we came up with different days of the week where we do things separately or together. So me Mondays are a day where when we come home from work, we get to do whatever the fuck we want. Nancy generally chooses to come home, chill out, sit on the couch, get a cup of coffee, or tea or whatever she wants, maybe nothing. Put a sweater on, put a blanket over, and just veg. And that's absolutely fine. Me on the other hand, like to get out, maybe run a marathon or whatever. So anyway, I had something I wanted to talk about. And it's pretty much of a rant, I guess more than anything, but not that Nancy doesn't have anything to say about it. Obviously, you all know, you know how I was raised in the church. And Nancy obviously had a different experience with the church. So she probably doesn't have as much to rant about it, as I do. But it's one of those things. So in the podcast, we each have something that we do, right, so she's better at something, I'm better at something, one of the things that I do is I'm the one that reaches out to get guests on to the show, you know, we're in the beginning stages. So it's not like I can say that it's been such a success. But as we're going on. And as we're learning, we are finding out that we're switching up how we approach people and how we talk to people about getting them onto the podcast, I have to say that it's becoming a little bit easier to be able to approach people through email or text messaging, and sort of ask them to come on. And so with that being said, we also wherever we go, talk to people, I could talk to anybody anywhere. It's just ironic that the people that we've talked to, are the people that I've had, I would say the most in depth conversations, where they see my hat, let's say and they say, oh, what's what's that? And I say, Well, it's a podcast we have, and we go on to this thing. And they, they become very interested. And obviously, we just start to talk about our story. And before you know it, we've spent half hour 40 minutes talking to these people. And in which case, they're like, Wow, we're gonna have to check that out. Obviously, I go a bit further. And I'm like, Well, hey, you know, if you're interested, what's your story, and we start talking. And to be honest with you, I found quite a few people, more than 75% will sit there and tell you at least some sort of a story or maybe a moment, that sort of, I don't want to say maybe changed their lives. But that had an impact on their lives. And, of course, we go on and say, Well, you know, we'd love to have you on the show. And we talked a little bit and they agreed to do it. And we exchanged numbers, and all of a sudden, you go to call them and they're like, Well, you know, I'm gonna have to talk to my wife, or we're gonna have to do this. And let's find out a time where I'm busy or whatever, through text messages through calls. And before you know it, these people are absolutely off the face of the earth. Now, I understand. I understand you're not going to get everybody and I understand that people in front of your face are going to tell you something that may not be necessarily true. They may not want to go on there, they may be dead set against going on podcasts, they may feel that they're afraid to go on podcast, they don't want to be exposed or they don't want people that they know listening and hearing their innermost secrets or whatever the case is. And we respect that we completely and totally respect that. And we, we understand that. However, when you're talking to someone, and they say that they're going to do something, they give you their phone number, the obvious expectation is that that's going to happen. But here's where it gets a little tricky. In this particular situation. It's ironic, actually sad. And this is what pisses me the fuck off is that the people who we've invited on to the show who have sat there and talked with us who have found the story. And the idea behind the show. Interesting enough to say that they would come on to the show, those people are Christians. Yeah, those people are Christians, those people. And there's been about four of them at this point, that I find that and I'm talking about all kinds of people. So I'm talking about from, from a priest, to business owners, to people who have come from addiction, people with some fucking stories, that would be able to articulate their story to a broad audience, that would, of all people, Christians, who claim to be the people of acceptance, who claim that their salvation, and that their Christianity is something better than what other people have. But yet, I find it very ironic, that those are the same people who absolutely blow you off. They're the same people who are the most self righteous, ignorant, and I'm not gonna go calling names that's below me. Because to be honest with you, these people are below me. When I say below me, I'm not trying to scare off more Christians from coming on here, quite the opposite. What I'm doing is I'm encouraging and challenging. Someone who claims to be a Christian, to come on to the show. The sad part is, they're so self righteous, that they can even you know, it's like this, the whole idea behind this show, is to talk to people who are different. The idea behind the show, is to show compassion, and to get people to open up, where they might not have a safer place to open up. And I hate that fucking word safe place. But it is a safe place, because you can come here, and you can open up without judgment. But these people, these Christians are the ones who claim who will come to my church, but it's, it's so I grew up in this shit. So I know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. You could come to my church, and everything will be okay. But if you invite them to come on to your platform, well, all of a sudden, I'm telling you, they just blow me the fuck off. They don't even have the decency. They don't even have the moral compass. To say to someone, you know what, look, this is the reason why, you know why? Because they'd be lying. Because they practice or they preach acceptance. They preach respect, they, but it's only good if it applies to them. And that's so far in my case. That's been what's happening. That's my experience. And it's like I said, it's ironic, because this is a platform, where, first of all, we came from that. Second of all, I don't claim nor have I ever said anything against God. Which, even if I did, why would you come on and want to stick up for yourself or stick up for Christianity? Or the good that it does for people, whatever? Why wouldn't you want to do that? Number one, you don't even have to because I still believe in God. I believe there is a God who say whatever the fuck you want. That's what I believe. You can say, well, just the way you talk. Fuck you. See, that's the thing. These people are straight up hypocrites. They don't want to be caught in a conversation on the fucking authentic podcast, because they're too holy. You mean to tell me that Jesus, in the time of the Bible, would walk in someplace and turn someone down? Because it was called the fucking authentic podcast, as a matter of fact, is an authenticity about what Christians preach? Is it authenticity, about what they say that they are authentic? Bullshit. In my experience so far, with this podcast, it's a crock of shit. And so I just, it blows me away. I'm pissed off about it. I wanted to come on here. And I wanted to rant. And I wanted to say my peace with it. And all I could say is I challenge anybody who claims to be a Christian, who claims to be a believer in God, who claims to be authentic. Don't come on here if you're some fake fucking Christian, because I'll spot you in a Heartbeat. And that maybe that's the problem. You know what, maybe that's the problem. Maybe we're too real for these people, and half of them are fake to begin with. So they're gonna come on here. No, that will just expose them. Maybe that's what it is. I don't know. I wish somebody would contact me and say, hey, you know what, what you said was wrong. What you said was absolutely wrong. And I'm here because I'll go on your show, because I dare you do it. I mean, you should have nothing to be afraid about. Right? You have got on your side. Who who can be against you? I mean, these are all the things that I grew up being taught. But yet in today's society, all y'all all you want to do is go to your churches and sit behind your safe fucking walls. You don't want to have anything to do with anybody who could possibly say something that's going to offend you. It's just hit such bullshit. And like I said, the whole idea behind this podcast, if you even listen to it, if you even knew what it was, if you even didn't just keep talking and blab in your mouth, and talking shit, if you would come on, or if you would listen to the podcast, you would know exactly what this is about in a everything. Every principle that this podcast is based on, is based on respect. I don't have to accept you. We've already talked about this. We don't, I don't have to accept anybody. I don't have to accept you. I don't have to agree with you. But if there's one thing I do do, Nancy and I is we respect everybody. I don't give a fuck who you are, we don't care. But for you to sit there and pretend to be holier than me, or call yourself a Christian, and can't even come on a platform that is based off of principles of goodness, and is based off of principles of being real and fucking authentic. Damn, man, we're in a sad fucking world. Anyway, I'm not going to keep going about it. I just think that it's, it's sad. And like I said, I challenge any Christian, or encouraged maybe challenge is such a mean word. I don't know. I encourage any Christian, that is a real authentic, that is a fucking authentic Christian, to come onto this podcast, and have a conversation with us. And invite your friends. Maybe three of you want to come on all at the same time. I'm not here to argue there's nothing to argue about. I want to know your story. I talked to a young man who was or who was becoming a priest. Kid was 2122 years old. And I thought to myself, what an inspiration. What a story to have a young guy come on the podcast, and talk about what his decision and how he made his decision to go into the priesthood. What an awesome story, especially if the church is looking for authentic priests. For this guy to talk to maybe some young buck who's out there. Who might be on the fence about yo cat. Okay, yeah, okay. I don't have a million followers. Flick that the podcast is gonna keep going three years from now. Who knows what it does? That could be the turnaround for someone but you know what? Turned down stone fucking cold. I don't know, man. Talk to another dude. addict. unbelievable story, awesome story. Turned down cold, don't even talk, talk to a business owner sat there and talked with him. His mother in law in their place of business. We frequent their business all the time. Not even to talk about their Christianity just talking about their business and how successful it is. Turned down cold. These are the people when I'm talking them profess to be Christians profess to say, oh, yeah, we love that. Yeah, absolutely. We'll be on man. That would be great. I don't know. Maybe it's me. But I find it ironic that every single one that I'm talking about has been a Christian. And the funny thing is the guests that we have had on the show to a fucking tee. Completely our opposite from who we are completely opposite. Everybody practically, that we have interviewed has a different idea about life, a different outlook, and almost every view that there is than we do. Yet we sat there and came together with all of our differences and all no matter what. And fucking respected each other and had a good time. So whatever. I'm done, Renton appreciate y'all listening. I'm sure Nancy is going to just roll her eyes back as you all know she would do He's gonna laugh at me. But maybe I'll start doing some of these podcasts by myself and just call it Nikki's rants or some shit like that. And anyway, still on a walk. I appreciate you guys listening. We'd love it. Obviously, if you can, give us a like, subscribe, review us anything helps. I guess it's this whole thing about the more subscribers or reviews he get likes, just really shows that we're for real. So being the buck and authentic podcast would appreciate that. Hope you guys have a great week, and we'll talk to you soon. Adios