How We Met (Part 2)

Big Papa & The Freakin Puerto Rican Season 1 Episode 7

Strap in for part 2 of our story, as we dive headfirst into the wild ride that was Nancy's pregnancy and our early days as parents. Buckle up as we recount the nerve-wracking birth, our battle with the dark cloud of churchgoers' warnings, and our unwavering excitement for our new bundle of joy. Life threw us into a whirlwind, but hell, we were ready to take it head-on.

We navigated the storm, juggling responsibilities and turning our home into a sanctuary filled with love, all while staying fucking authentic. Our journey was a rollercoaster, full of unexpected twists, but we made sure our son was surrounded by nothing but love and care. Tune in as we share how we stared down the odds and embraced parenthood with a no-bullshit attitude. After all, life's more interesting when you keep it fucking real.

[00:17] Throwing together a last-minute wedding with drunk underage friends partying in a limo
[08:04] Buying cribs and baby items at 50% interest with no money or credit
[14:22] Nancy going into 23 hours of labor with 19-year-old Nick having zero patience
[18:18] Nancy freaking out seeing the baby's discolored head emerge, thinking it was an alien
[23:17] Nancy going back to work just days after giving birth

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Nick  00:07
It's time to get fucking authentic. We're back.

Nancy  00:15
Technical difficulties. 

Nick  00:17
We did have some technical difficulties before we get on here. And I am like, in one of those fucking moods, you know, you think that you're doing it right the whole time and it ended like 10 minutes or 15 minutes worth of recording and it's like, oh, you're not recording anymore. 

Nancy  00:31
Of course I'm on the other side. So I really can't see anything that's going on. 

Nick  00:35
She's on the other side actually playing games on her phone. 

Nancy  00:38
Well, what do you want me to do? I can sit by you 

Nick  00:40
No, I understand. I get it. It's like, someone's got to run the show. 

Nancy  00:44
There you go and that's you, baby. 

Nick  00:46
So anyway, we were talking about, you're going to hell, because you're having a baby. Yes. I was freaking out. So I was afraid. You were afraid? Yeah, I wasn't. I wasn't really afraid. I didn't really give a shit. I had been sort of this was already like... 

Nancy  01:01
you already knew what was going on. I mean, you didn't do the show...

Nick  01:06
I think I was already post brainwashed. 

Nancy  01:08
You were numb to everything. 

Nick  01:09
Yeah. And you you were going to have a double baby. 

Nancy  01:12

Nick  01:13
And you were..

Nancy  01:14
I thought I was gonna have a creature or something that Yeah. 

Nick  01:17
Oh, hey, the story gets really good. Because you believe that all the way until his fucking head popped out of your vajayjay. 

Nancy  01:24
Yes, I did believe that. 

Nick  01:26
Oh, my God. Yeah, that was 

Nancy  01:28
really like, put a fear on you. You know what I mean? Like, it just? I don't know. It's crazy. 

Nick  01:33
I think it's sad. Because you have a lot of people I think, who just go through life with that fear. Like, they don't really figure anything out on their own. They just believe what people say they watch what people do. Right. And they, they think that that's what life is, or they apply that to their own life, and they become crippled by and so that's was me when I found out So fortunately, it was yes. So basically, we're about to get married. You're pregnant. Right? So we should talk a little bit about that day, because that day was I'm not even I mean, it was hilarious. That day, I don't know is fucking well, because it was a bunch of young... 

Nancy  02:13
I was gonna say you have to remember that all your friends were young.  So everyone underneath the old is Young was my my brother.  And he was what three years older than you?

Nick  02:16
Yeah, so he was like 21 or 22. But it was just funny because again, you're you're dealing with a bunch of kids remember, this was at the end? This was right before the breakup of the church, right? But but people were already half ass out. You know what I'm saying? Especially the younger people. 

Nancy  02:39
Yeah, the younger crowd was already out. It seemed.

Nick  02:42
so we had already been gone for not that long. Actually. Now's a couple months that can stem from me leaving but we had already been gone. And then we wind up looking to get married. We find this cheap ass banquet hall, serving food buffet style, or...

Nancy  02:58
Family style.

Nick  02:59

Nancy  03:00
wind up inviting a bunch of people from church thinking that they were going to come 

Nick  03:03
right, right. And then they 

Nancy  03:05
I don't know what we were thinking. Right? 

Nick  03:06
Well, I mean, they I think they were gonna come. But but they, they were again, just like, under the same influence of this. You go to this wedding, you're gonna go to hell type of thing. So I'm sure that they were all freaked out. But regardless, the day wound up being just a classic fucking young people getting all fucked up. 

Nancy  03:28
Well, your brother rented a limo for us. And the whole chapel thing was early in the morning. I think it was like 10 o'clock in the morning. 

Nick  03:36
Yeah, yeah. 

Nancy  03:36
And the reception wasn't until like six o'clock in the evening. 

Nick  03:40

Nancy  03:41
So we had all this time to waste. And here we are driving around in this limo with a bunch of young kids. 

Nick  03:48
Oh my god 

Nancy  03:48
that were just like... 

Nick  03:49
Well remember, and they were driving I believe my brother to was driving...16, 17. So they're just getting their license. oh, remember, they borrowed my dad's Oldsmobile.  Oh, I totally forgot about that! Yeah, so they were all pimping in this. I think it was like a 1976 Oldsmobile 98 Regency. It wasn't even a member was we were in the limo. There was I don't know how many people in the limo and cars would just like keep coming to the limo like at stop signs. Getting beer. No, yeah, what would happen is Oh, dude, it was crazy. They would stop at the stop sign and then they would get out of the car run back to the limo get some more like it was they were just getting out of church man. They they never experienced life period. Right? Well, they didn't know anything right? They were just like, fuck it. Let's get drunk. Like let's drink. Let's do what is this? Almost right. Let's do this. So anyway, yeah, we get to the hotel. They raid the refrigerator at the hotel. Right stocked with all this liquor and shit. My poor brother. He was probably making the most money or whatever, but he winds up having to pay for that. So he winds up having to pay for a whole bunch of shit. So all this is going on. It's six o'clock we go to the hall. It's not a big hall. It's a  small Hall.

Nancy  05:00
 Well there wasn't any... that many people so yeah, it was a small 

Nick  05:03
Yeah, people showing up some people are dressed some people are dressed in like, shorts and Batman T shirts and shorts and like it was just fucking it was like, 

Nancy  05:11
like what is going on here? 

Nick  05:13
But to be honest with you, I mean, again, this was one of those things where everybody just felt like free free. Everybody was out of jail. Especially mice. I guess we're when people were getting out of the church. So anyway, so we we have because we ordered like, it was like 110 Fucking people or something. And we ordered

Nancy  05:31
more thinking and no, yeah, exactly. You're so

Nick  05:35
the night goes on. Everyone's dancing. Old school fucking mixes? No, it was it was it was a good time. But the guys like you guys only like 500 something bucks. And we're like,

Nancy  05:48
what? 500 bucks?

Nick  05:50
Like, do you have any money? So we wind up we're sitting there frantically opening up fucking cards of trying to look for money. And dude, nobody had nobody was given us money like

Nancy  06:01
that. The people that were there were kids. It didn't work. It was hilarious. So

Nick  06:05
we owed him like another 500 bucks. And your brother helped us again. Right? Right. So he helps out again. And then he's he went up to the zoo. And he was like, You know what, if they're paying for all this food, they're fucking taking it home.

Nancy  06:17
Oh my god, all the styrofoam like, containers that we took home. I don't know how long we ate for it was it was hilarious.

Nick  06:25
But then what happens is so we go back to the hotel for that night. And my brothers, my younger brother and my older brother wind up passing out on the fucking bid. They're on the floor next to us. We're we're on the floor. You're seven and a half months pregnant. I don't really drink right, so I don't drink at all like I'm allergic to alcohol. That's it is what it is. Right? These motherfuckers are passed out on the floor. The next morning. Clothes are missing. Clothes are missing shoes. She's

Nancy  06:52
amazing. Like, what were they doing? I know. It was crazy.

Nick  06:57
It was it was fucking insane. So then we wind up getting out of the hotel. Somebody brought some clothes for them or something happened? Nope. Really just don't remember a lot of that. But anyway, that was our wedding night.

Nancy  07:10

Nick  07:12
Yeah, it was great. A bunch of 16 to 21 year olds getting fucked up. And just having a having a fun time. Yes, there were adults there. But, man, it was just one of those things where it was a wedding and everybody was having fun and boom,

Nancy  07:30
it just happened. Like you said it was freedom for everyone. I think it was

Nick  07:34
it was like sort of let loose, right? You know, like crazy. Good times. Good times. Good times. So then we get over with the wedding. Yes. We're like now having a kid. Well, yeah, so now but we so I moved in with you in your mom's house. In the basement. She had like the three flat and we're starting to start our life together. Right. And we were we're buying new furniture at like fucking 50% interest. We're buying cribs.

Nancy  08:04
I think we did that. Rent.

Nick  08:06
Oh, that was like the TV. The TV.

Nancy  08:09
We did that. Yeah, I remember rent a center. I don't know how long we did that for but well for because we didn't have good credit. Remember, we didn't have any

Nick  08:18
credit. Remember the fucking car I

Nancy  08:21
had? How did you get that car again? I'm sorry.

Nick  08:23
Well, dude, like that was fucking crazy. I bought that. I think I was 18. It was like a 1988 exp. So it was this two seater back and forth. I had no credit, whatever. When I was let back into the church, I talked my mom into CO signing

Nancy  08:40
for them. So your mom who was on publicado? Dude, I just want to make sure that was the one that cosign for you. I

Nick  08:46
don't even know do chi cosign for me. I don't even know how that happened. First of all, but let me tell you something. For those of you who know the prices of things back in 1988 so that car was only like nine grand brand new, right? But do you know that that car was only nine grand brand new, but it was close to $400 a month? Oh, it's crazy. So with the interest rate and everything it came out to like like it was like a $25,000 car was insane. So remember, that was a two seater. I know. So we're literally so here want to talk about like your car seat laws and shit now Oh, get the fuck out.

Nancy  09:26
Really put the car seat in the back

Nick  09:29
we put in the back and remember there was a bar back there and I tried to I would tie it up to the to the bar. And then half the time he was in your lap. We're getting ahead of fucking judge right y'all want to judge and say whatever back then everybody rolled in the front seat. Dogs baby you got to do what you had to do shit. They were right there. We're riding fucking 12 deep and those cars back at the yard. So let me tell you there was no, there were no baby seat laws. There wasn't even insurance laws back then. So I don't even want to hear it. Y'all I want to fuck it and judge me.

Nancy  10:02
So you have to get a crib. That was one of our things. We have to get a crib. And we're like, what are we gonna do?

Nick  10:08
Well, even back then that was like Babies R Us?

Nancy  10:10
I think so. Yeah, I don't know. But somebody gave us credit. I think it was American general find some

Nick  10:15
some fucking joint gave us credit for like, and we

Nancy  10:18
were so excited, right? We bought this like, crib that had like, dressers on the bottom or drawers on the bottom and then it converted into a bed and we're like, talking to each other into it. Like, we're just like, this is gonna last forever. This is a great investment. We could buy this yada yada whatever the case is, and the

Nick  10:37
cost is like 200 some bucks a month. Like 300.

Nancy  10:44
Money. All I remember I do remember, we didn't have any clothes for our son. It was crazy. People were given a diaper, which was just insane.

Nick  10:53
We couldn't breastfeed. He tried. We got like two months ready. We get married. We have two months ready for this kid and all of a sudden, like a month and a half in. I get woken up on a Friday morning. This one is literally hurtling over me.

Nancy  11:08
Remember, we didn't have any money. So we bought this

Nick  11:11
$15 Fucking water bed.

Nancy  11:15
And that's like the real good water bed to those beds. That would be like no

Nick  11:20
mattress that fucking move. It was like the Titanic. If she moved, I'd be like, knocked off the bed because it was hilarious. But but this thing would wobble right? And we was like that dark ass would. But I thought we thought Fuck, man, we're the shit. We gotta

Nancy  11:39
water. We bought it with our own money.

Nick  11:42
So excited. So she jumps over me fall on the floor falls on the floor runs in the bathroom. And she's unlike Well,

Nancy  11:50
I am pologize he

Nick  11:53
peed my pants.

Nancy  11:55
But you're like, Did you pee or I didn't know water.

Nick  11:59
can pee your pants are fucking water. But so I'm looking all over. There's nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong. So anyway, I'm getting ready for work. You're getting ready for work. You go upstairs by your mind like you always do in the morning. I'm ready to go outside. And you're like, what happened? You went upstairs and

Nancy  12:15
well. I thought it was kind of funny. I'm like telling my mom mommy, you're not gonna believe what happened. I peed on myself, like, jumped over. And I go to the bathroom. You know, I can't believe I did this. And she's like, in Spanish. Now that wasn't peeing. You know, your water bag broke. And I'm like, What's like, no, it can I'm like two weeks early. I'm not doing two weeks, I'm ready to go to work. And sure enough, we call our doctor my doctor and the doctor is like you have to go in. Now you have to understand the hospitals were south and hospitals. You're

Nick  12:47
way more like backyards and then the hospitals like in Lincoln Park for those you don't know that. That's like south to north in any city. Right. So we're a good I don't know, close to an hour. Yeah, time you get through the city and by time whatever.

Nancy  12:59
Right. So you're getting ready for work. So we're like, okay, I guess we're going to the hospital. Yeah. And we wound up going to the hospital.

Nick  13:08
And we're like, Alright, fuck it. So they're like, oh, yeah, you're I think there were like you're in labor. And there wasn't like many centimeters or anything. You were actually you were not dilated whatsoever.

Nancy  13:18
Oh, not at all. But they knew. However, they knew you're what you want. So here I am, you know, put me in a room.

Nick  13:26
Here's here. 

Nancy  13:27
Kind of nice. So the room was like,

Nick  13:29
what it was a birthing room?

Nancy  13:30
That was it Yeah, it was

Nick  13:32
a birthing room. So you have the baby. They take the baby and it's right there you have the baby right with you. And yeah, and holy shit. Dude. This is this is sort of where, Wow, this this took a little turn this. You want to talk about thinking that you turned into the fucking devil? Who me? We mean who?

Nancy  13:56
Yeah, you I was in pain it was.

Nick  13:59
I'm not saying you weren't devils. What do you believe the devil? First of all, first of all, because I know I'm gonna get you know people probably saying shit to look, I'm not insensitive to what happened. What I'm saying is the fucking reality. This is the truth. So you're in pain. what winds up happening ultimately, is you're you're in labor for like 23 fucking hours.

Nancy  14:21
Yeah, it was a long time. Oh, do

Nick  14:22
you remember the nurses his heart rate is going up and down a lot. So they're fearing that something may be breach or that the cord was wrapped around his neck. So they have you now on your side the whole time? Right? No epidural at this time. Because they want to see what's going to happen and you're on your side the whole time. They don't want to induce labor. back then. They weren't also fucking ready to just start cutting your belly open. Right? See, so it took your time plus, remember the doctor was behind or something? Yeah, so they're just trying to prolong this prolong this anyway,

Nancy  14:56
my doctor was on vacation so I had a different doctor. I remember Oh, okay. Yeah, it was a different

Nick  15:02
should I don't remember. It's interesting because that was like,

Nancy  15:04
Oh man,

Nick  15:06
we're sitting in this room. You're at a ton of pain. I'm just first of all, I'm 19 years old. I have zero fucking patience. Zero fucking tolerance.

Nancy  15:18
Oh, wait when you were 19 You had zero tolerance? Yeah. Oh, okay. How old are you now? I'm sorry. Now yet the tolerance. Yeah. Okay. All right.

Nick  15:28
See, y'all are gonna learn a lot. So we're in this room and all of a sudden, you're getting in more and more pain. So you're dilating, right? And you're starting to dilate. So you're now you're like, Where's the fucking doctor? You're here's where Satan comes out. And she's like, Where's the fucking doctor? Just like that, huh? Well, that's what it sounded like to me.

Nancy  15:54
You were in your boots the whole day. You were so like,

Nick  15:57
worn out, but you're the one in pain. Right? So I'm not gonna be insensitive. Thank you. Thank you. She's getting amped up. And the nurses like he's not available right now. And you're like, Oh my God, I want to see the doctor. I couldn't believe that. He's crazy. Our nurse was this little black chick. She was fucking She's hilarious. She she just kept telling me she's like, You better watch yourself. Like she

Nancy  16:20
knows what you said. But it like well,

Nick  16:23
I just kept saying shit the whole time. And she was like, she's she would give me her look, she wouldn't do the little neck thing. You know, she's like, like, she wanted the throat. What

Nancy  16:34
are you doing?

Nick  16:35
No doubt about it. They wind up giving you the epidural starting to dilate. This baby's starting to come.

Nancy  16:41
Right. And so the nurse is actually down there. And all of a sudden the doctor Hold on, hold that. Oh, that hole.

Nick  16:48
So the nurses down there. You're right, the nurses down there. And she's like, Nancy, you're just gonna have to push for me, honey, you're just gonna have to push for me and you're like, fuck you. You know what I mean? You're like, fucking going nuts. You're in pain. You're, you're like, I feel like I'm gonna shut my pants and you're just going nuts. So you're getting all freaked out and I'm like, Just come fucking Down. Down. And she's dude. Like, lady she fucking she fucking punches me. And I look at her. And she goes, Well, do you know what this is like? And I said, Well, no, I don't know what it's like, but I'm trying to calm her down. And she's like, You don't know what it's like. You don't know what it's like. This is like, this is like if you were to shit out a 15 pound bowling ball. Oh my god. It was hilarious. Like, oh, well, that would shock. Yeah, that would that would pretty much suck. She's like, so shut up. And I was like, holy shit. And in the meantime, this one's screaming. Where's the doctor? The doctor and the nurses like, calm down. Nancy. Calm down. Nancy. She's like, So Kate, the baby's gonna come the baby's gonna come. Would you like a mirror? Would you like a mirror to see? And she's asking you and I'm like, Yeah, I don't need a fucking mirror. There. Let's put a mirror. Nobody wants to watch. Oh my god. So all this is happening at one time. And all of a sudden you're pushing. You're pushing. You're pushing and all of a sudden.

Nancy  18:18
Wait, the doctor cuddles? No, not yet. Oh, no. The head

Nick  18:22
starts to come out. Oh, and it's like, Gee, it's like black and it's like, whatever. And here here here you guys have to understand the head starting to come out. And as this is happening, I'm looking at the marriage. She's screaming. Why is that the app? I like she's fucking possessed. Where's the fucking doctor? I don't know why you want like you're having the goddamn baby. Through the

Nancy  18:46
I don't know. Maybe I thought in my head like doctors were the only ones that were supposed to deliver it.

Nick  18:51
Oh to nose it was. It was so fucking funny in the ladies like, Nancy. It's okay, I'm here. I'm going to deliver the baby blah, blah, blah. So all of a sudden, the doctor that the baby's still coming up, the doctor walks in and you're like, oh my god, duck. Oh my god, duck. Where have you been?

Nancy  19:07
No, I said Where the fuck have you been? I was so pissed off.

Nick  19:12
Anyway, they're sort of laughing because they're like this chicks fucking nuts. Like she's possessed. Just like I did. But I got my SP for saying it. But they're okay to say it. But anyway, the baby starts coming out. He starts coming out

Nancy  19:24
and there's a mirror now right? So you

Nick  19:27
guys, you guys. She sees and

Nancy  19:30
remember the whole church thing people mother remember?

Nick  19:34
She sees the baby's head and it's all like blue and black and everything filled with birth matter. And she screams it's an alien. She's screaming that the baby's a fucking alien. Oh my gosh, she's screaming freaking out that the baby's an alien and they're like, No, it's not an alien. It's your baby. It's your baby and you like it Ah, ah, socking alien like, oh my god, I was freaking out. And of course, he was really discolored because he did have the cord wrapped around his neck.

Nancy  20:10
Well he came out, remember and they just took him?

Nick  20:14
Well, yeah, they took him but I mean he had the cord wrapped. There was no noise. There was no own noise.

Nancy  20:19
I said this is it. This is what they pray for. This is what they I'm freaking out. I'm like, Oh, stop. Wow, this is it. All I kept doing was looking at you like, this is this is what they did to our baby. This is what they did. I was like, and I knew

Nick  20:34
that that wasn't true. But but you just had the horn your eyes and I couldn't stop that feeling I couldn't from you. Oh, it's

Nancy  20:41
horrible. I couldn't believe it. The grip that they?

Nick  20:45
Yeah, so you gave birth to an alien? Yes. You gave birth to an alien. And they took him down right away out of the birthing room because they took

Nancy  20:53
him which really freaks us out even more. Yeah,

Nick  20:57
obviously. He was fine. And she brought him back. And that was it. She fell asleep. That was it. It was like oh, that's so nice. So nice. Boom, out.

Nancy  21:05
Yeah. How long was that? That was 2324. Probably by the time he was born,

Nick  21:12
baby. No, you were pregnant. When we got married. You were fucking 21

Nancy  21:15
No, I'm saying 23 hours or 23

Nick  21:18
hours. Yeah, I'm like, exhausted pregnant for three years this exhausted yet she fell asleep. And that's the beginning. That was that was the that was our miracle. Right? That really is a fact of life of our life. Because first of all, you weren't supposed to get pregnant. Right? So number one, number two, we didn't know you were pregnant. And then we come to find out he was born he was only five and a half pounds. Right? It was a small little dude. Five and a half pounds. He was like a little fucking wet chicken. He was no bigger than what?

Nancy  21:50
Oh, you're so tiny. It was like, Yeah, writing your chest like just was

Nick  21:54
like maybe I can't remember 17 inches or some shit like that? I don't know. But this goes to the whole part of the story. Right? So you work up into the day you have the baby. You have him. You're in 23 hours labor. That's on a Saturday, we come home a day or two later. And like, what's that next Tuesday or Wednesday? You're at work? Yeah, crazy point of we were young. And we made decisions. Based on the fly. There wasn't a lot of thought process to what we did. We just we were living life. Like we were dying.

Nancy  22:30
All I feel like we were what we

Nick  22:32
did what we felt we had to do. And remember, from the very beginning with this, is that when you were pregnant, there was no way that that our son was going to be born. And he wasn't going to feel completely protected. And free of any worries in his life. That that was my that was my intention. Me. I think collectively, that was our intention. I think you had your own intentions. But we work together as a team. And so what I wanted, I got what you wanted, you got and we sort of compromised in the middle a little bit. But that was our intention. Remember, I

Nancy  23:17
didn't want to struggle, I didn't want to be in public aid. I didn't want to do any of that stuff. So and what I think with me going back to work, you know what I mean? Like I was just like, Yeah, okay, let's get back to, we got this. Now we have a kid now we're married.

Nick  23:31
Well, your driver takes your drive in that sense of not wanting to be on public aid and stuff, allowed our family to flourish, even from the beginning, even back then sort of reverse roles, where I felt very comfortable taking on the role of being the stay home dad, and you felt very comfortable out in the workplace, because that was your drive, right? And my job to be honest with you, I didn't care how much money we made, I wanted to make sure that my son didn't have to worry about anything, right. And a lot of that didn't have to do. This wasn't about making money for me as it was for you at the time. Because that's what you thought. That's what you believe was going to propel us to where we needed to go. And of course, you have to make some money, right? But for me, it sort of organically fell in place because I was just gonna stay at home and protect this kid and smother him with nothing but love and it wasn't going to be anything like I was raised. And so we had talked about this a little bit in a previous episode about your drive and then about my drive. And they were completely two different drives. But we thought that that together they complemented our family. Well, right. Yeah. And so as we went on, you were mainly the breadwinner, and of course there were problems with that. Me because I was still a man and I wanted to provide for my family, you just I mean, blessed with the fact that you were always able to make more money than me. Right? You

Nancy  25:08
always provided it didn't matter what there was always some kind of money coming from you. So don't

Nick  25:14
cut Oh, no, I'm,

Nancy  25:17
I think as he got older, you were able to be able to stay at home with him. And because of

Nick  25:24
the jobs that you had, I had businesses and I was able to stay.

Nancy  25:28
But at the very beginning, you worked your ass off a job a

Nick  25:33
mom? Yes, but it hurt my ego. More than anything. There was a time when I told you I don't need you. I don't need your money. That hurts you why? And? Because for me,

Nancy  25:46
well, and there's so many and Fermina we go into the wake up and there's no car.

Nick  25:51
Yeah, of course. But that's what I'm saying. Like there's there's so many things, the 37 Fucking percent interest car is stolen from the front of the house. Possession living in this thing, the repossession of my exp because when

Nancy  26:04
was that, like maybe a month into it? Or

Nick  26:07
was it a year into us being totally together

Nancy  26:10
totally together. I just remember, there was no car when we woke up one day, and there was a car seat. There was everything. It was like what the hell just happened here. We didn't make enough money to

Nick  26:23
know we didn't make enough money to afford anything back then I don't really know how it is because I'm fortunate enough. And I feel very grateful that I don't have to worry about getting my car's repossessed. But they took that car and whatever was owed on and after they sold that fucking thing on auction, we still had to pay that back. I know we have to get a loan to yours has to pay that car back and we didn't even have it and

Nancy  26:46
remember that. That was like yours. It was gone. Wait, and then all of a sudden, it was insane. Crazy.

Nick  26:53
That's when we wound up getting credit. you wound up getting the credit because my credit was shot right? On that Regal, right. And then that was so huge, you know, whatever. And then that winds up getting stolen. Yeah, that was a joke. And then that winds up getting stolen. And it's stolen by the your friend, brother of one of my friends. Like, you know, banging in the hood. You know, so like, he's telling them you better give them back their fucking like, it was just it was just everything that we had gone through. And it was just one thing. You never know. Yeah, right. It was one thing after another and

Nancy  27:30
oh, wait in let's not forget the meantime, your mom decides to, oh, I don't want my son living with me anymore. She

Nick  27:40
wants. So here. You know, younger brother.

Nancy  27:44
We have this kid. We have your younger brother living with us. It was insane. He lived with us for years.

Nick  27:50
We were kids ourselves, right? And then we have my brother moving in with us. That was another whole story because he winds up just fucking doing his thing. And then we take the brunt of everything. Right. So even at this early age, we are already beginning to take the brunt. I don't want to say the brunt. We're taking on the responsibility of parents of parents for a lot of people

Nancy  28:14
and older child. Yeah, that was right. Yeah,

Nick  28:16
we're here trying to raise her son. He's few months old. We have people moving in with us. Like almost the first 13 years of our marriage. We always had somebody living with us. Oh, yeah, definitely. We became a household for. So you gotta remember all these guys I grew up with were a little bit younger than me. Now they were into their party mode while the church had broken up. Well, at that point, the church had broken up these kids were the party mode. So our

Nancy  28:43
house became the party house. Our kid was

Nick  28:47
practically raised by a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds that were always partying around.

Nancy  28:52
And it was because we felt that it was safer for these guys to party

Nick  28:56
at our house. These guys on the streets, and I mean, we'd

Nancy  28:59
wake up every morning, on the weekends, and then they'd be bodies just in the front, just sleeping in the living room.

Nick  29:06
But yeah, but even even our son was like, every birthday he had. He was all these young guys worked, right. Oh, so they would that kid had gifts. Like he was just like, yeah, yeah, he didn't. We didn't have no friends. Nobody was having kids. So he literally grew up around. adults, young adults, I'll be right. Pretty much his whole life. When the birthday parties came, there were no kids.

Nancy  29:32
No, I mean, right. Right. Right. Especially when he was younger. Yeah, as he started getting going to school, so

Nick  29:38
even from that point, he always had anything that he wanted. So we go from getting married to having the baby to just starting our lives together. And that's really where it all started. And we'll get into it. In the next episode, getting married, having the baby and then that's when every Things started to really take off. And there's so much more to the to the story. So we're just going to break this thing up in a couple of pieces little like little episodes, and we hope that you guys are at least being a little entertained. Because Because to be honest with you, for us to just sit here and sort of go back, I know we may go back and forth a little bit, all this shit starts pops up. It's kind of funny, really interesting how everything sort of panned out, but we hope you guys are enjoying it, and you listen to the next episodes. And again, if you have a story, look, it doesn't even have to be like this life story, right? I know. This is some long drawn out life story. But you guys if there's even just moments in your life, pretty cool. We're sharing or whatever. Let us know. Yeah. And we'd love to hear from you. Talk to you soon. Yep. Talk to you soon.