We All Have a Story To Tell

Big Papa & The Freakin Puerto Rican Season 1 Episode 9

Hey everyone, this episode was a real gut check for us. We got down and dirty, sharing the raw, the real, and the uncut truth of our experiences. We dove deep into topics of authenticity, survival, and the impact of life's trials and tribulations.

 We laughed, we got serious, and we opened up about the things that have shaped us. Buckle up for an intense and authentic ride through our lives and thoughts. This episode is a game-changer, folks. Don't miss it!

Timeline Summary:

 [00:05] - I discussed the importance of being authentic and how it feels to record in the beautiful morning.

[01:05] - I brought up how people often just go through the motions in life, merely surviving.

[01:55] - Pondered on whether my talk was general or specific, sharing my feelings about life's unpredictability.

[03:37] - The concept of freedom and how it's linked with validation.

[07:22] - I found myself reflecting on the question, "what about me?" and was tempted to sing a song about it.

[07:59] - How life can change when there's nothing to hold onto.

[10:11] - My desire to use my voice more freely and authentically.


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It's time to get fucking authentic. Well, hey, it's a beautiful morning that we're actually here recording this time.


Yes, welcome back.


And we woke up after a pretty intense sort of Podcast, episode number three of our story, we were going to, you know, just keep going on about our story. And we, I don't know, I don't know if you guys realize that at the end of the last episode from sort of like three quarters of the way through to the end of it. I think it got pretty real for us. Yeah. It's amazing how you go through these things, and you don't, when you really start taking into account, things that happen in your life, especially for us or not, especially for us, but I'm saying like it could happen, everyone in general. Yes. Is like, Man, I really don't think that we all give ourselves enough credit. No, we don't for the shit that we go through in our lives. I'm talking about people who feel like they really haven't maybe they have a great fucking life. But you still go through things that I don't think we realize, have such a massive effect on us.


Well, and that's what we're saying. It's like, you just go through the motions, just surviving your robots. Yeah. I mean, we're just, we're just moving along, man.


And then that's disguised as survival. Right? So it's disguised as survival. So we're just doing it. It wasn't like we had a roadmap. You can plan. And that's the whole thing about this, right? You could plan whatever you want. I don't give a fuck who you are. If you're saying that you think you got it together? And you're doing it? That's fine. You do, I'm sure at the point. Now, you got it together. But I guarantee you, it's gonna fucking change. It's just different things that happen in life in general. And I'm so fucking happy. I will say this again. And I tell you this, and I'm going to tell you this in front of everybody. I'm so happy that I have you next to me to fucking do this shit. Like, the well who? Oh, I'm


sorry. Who am


I talking to? No, no, I mean, like, there's somebody else. And now you're freaking me out? Like that's a moat? Like some weird shit. Who's you know,


I didn't know if you were just talking in general. No, I don't I feel the same way. We have this formula. And again, is it the perfect formula? No, no, not at all. But it's a formula. And we never sat down and even created that formula. One of the biggest things is is that we started, we had all this stuff, right? And then stuff. We lost all of it. Yeah, exactly. Stuff stuff. And to me, it's just crazy how, as an individual things happen throughout your life. And it's what you do with it. Just because it happened doesn't mean that it's the end all.


Yeah, well, fuck, man. If that was the case, then we would have, we wouldn't have even lasted a year. Because on the ship from the beginning of us, you know, meeting and getting together, there were obstacles since day fucking one. So if that was the case, then we would have been washed up a long time ago. And I think that part of the reason why we're not going on right now about our story, we want to just sort of come on here and just talk a little bit about those vulnerabilities and how you feel because right after that episode, we listened to it like we always do, and you became a little, there were some things that you really didn't want to talk about. There were some things but


it's a lot that's happened that, you know, I feel that no one's business, but ours. You know, the more I think about it, we've talked to a lot of people. And a lot of people know our stories, our story, everything, you know, that's gone, obviously encouragement for us to correct yes, but when you are putting it out there for so many people to listen, it's, it's a real active anymore. No, it wasn't Yeah, I can only imagine, you know, we were asking people to tell their stories to us. Wow, that, you know, we get it, we're putting ourselves out there. And we want people to put themselves out there. But the freedom, like it's just, I don't even know how to explain it. But it's just, it's just,


I think the freedom has to do with validation as well, though. I think for a long time for us. We've told our story to people and people are always intrigued and want to know more. I think though, the freedom is 100%. You got that your your fucking point on with that. I think the freedom though, what this does is it validates who we are and what we've gone through. And we're not looking for accolades or whatever. But there's things that you've said, and I'm sure I've said, but I will tell you right now, that to be honest with you, I never even realized was was in you. Like you don't I mean? Like, I mean, I know it's in you, right? Like you've never express Will you


always have you express everything. And I'm always the one that just kind of, you know,


well, but that's part of the formula. Right? That's that's what we've, that's the way we've always been, again, it's sort of that, again, we'll talk about like less, I'm like, I have the vision. And you're in the background sort of manipulating that vision, which is awesome. I mean, that's, that's, that's what makes it work. Yeah, definitely. I think though, the biggest part of this is what became our vulnerability is really putting this out there, which we knew we had to do. And one of the things that I want to say, especially when you talk about people telling their story, and I spoken with a couple people already because we're consistently trying to get people on to tell their story. After we've gone through hours here a few series and there's two young ladies and in particular, one of them was just such an unbelievable soul like this, this, this chair It was just just well beyond her years, I think she was like 22 or 23 years old and had such a positive story. And I wanted to know more like it drew me in, like, I wanted to know more, she wrote me back and said, Look, you know, I appreciate that you'd like to, you know, to hear my story. And, but basically that, that she wasn't ready for that. She wasn't ready to tell her story, because, you know, her story is not over. And of course, I respect that. 100% Yeah, totally. Because everybody's at a point in their lives, where we're not here to try and force anybody to do anything. One thing it did make me realize is that, wow, even in the midst of recovering, or going through what you're going through, people feel that, that that has no meaning. And it does, it's huge. Because even in the midst of the struggle of what you're going through, just saying that alone. And people hearing that there are people like you that are still going through it, whatever your story is, whether you're getting over a divorce, or recovery from addiction or being abused, whatever the case is, when a book is written, the story is the book, right? It's not just the ending, right at the ending, you're dead. And if you're dead, then you can't tell the story. But the story involves the struggles that are happening every day, right? And you may not be over what is going on. But that's still part of the story. And although I respect this girl, 100% I just thought of that. I was like, Man, I hope. And I encourage people to have enough courage. And to realize that telling your story there, you could just tell us a moment in your story, right? That was like an aha moment. That is part of our stepping stone that's happening on that journey. Just like we're talking now. Our past, right, and we're talking about, we're going to obviously talk about our future in the present is what really matters. But, you know, there's been a couple of people, like I said, who are afraid to do that. And that's where, you know, even you after that last episode, the vulnerability, and it wasn't about you being afraid. No, it wasn't about people hearing about it. But we all have a trepidation, right. And we all try to say the right word or so that we're not hurting someone or so that when and the bottom line is, if somebody takes it that way, this is just freedom for you. Right. And I think that this goes into a whole nother thing of taking care of yourself, yes, and your own sanity, and your own well being right. And what we do is, and this is why I say over time we lose part of ourself, is that we then become servants to everybody else and everybody else's emotions. And we stop taking care of ourselves


about me, right? What about me? I was gonna see the song. And I'm like,


song for everything, too. It's hilarious. And the funny part of it is, she doesn't even have the words, right. But she just has the melody in her head, which is awesome. We wanted to talk about that a little bit today, because it was important for us to, to just get it out there to get it off our chest, which is freedom as well,


definitely. And then like, you know, we were talking I mean, I felt like, wow, this is how our audience, you know, whoever is gonna tell us a story is going to feel at that moment for so I really, I really felt it. I was like, wow, this is crazy. You know what I mean? But it does feel good. And it's it's a, like you said, I have to think about myself,


there's nothing to hold on to anymore, right? And in this life, there's just nothing to hold on to. If if we can't go through what we go through and experience what we experienced, whether it's success or failure or anything. If we can't candidly speak about that, or just talk about it. Look, your perfect example is when we interviewed, you know, my mom, and her biggest thing was, you know, Oh, you don't understand. I have, you know, friends on Facebook, I have a lot of people who don't know me this way bla bla bla, and I thought to myself, and I told her straight out. I said, Wait a second. Like, isn't that what we're doing here? Like being vulnerable, and opening up and talking about what this is? And if those people don't respect you for, for coming out of all of that, and being a completely different person, and actually learning lessons from it, and building a better you than fuck them? Right? I mean, that's the way that you want people like that. Why then there, first of all, their Facebook friends. Right, exactly. I mean, right? Number one? Yes, there are people you know, and yes, there gonna be people that you know, personally, but I'm just saying, like, if you had 1000 followers, and 998 of them stop following you, because you were an asshole when? 40 years ago, right? Something and now you're a completely different person, and you are absolutely killing it.


Fuck them. Yeah. And you're happier for it too. Well, right, like,


you're just so here's what they fucking know, you are a better person. So I just think that that's, you know, part of, you know, this whole thing from us to you, is that, you know, we were doing this because we do want to share experiences. This is not at all a time or a place to judge or to cause criticism to anybody or anything. When we talk about, you know, when I say my son, or whatever, it's funny, because I listened back to some of these episodes, and I'm like, wow, I seem very selfish or whatever. But the reality is it. Those are my feelings. Those aren't what I'm thinking at the time. And part of our formula like Nancy said, Well, we've pointedly, I don't want to say been blamed, but it's been brought to our attention pointedly that you You don't have a voice? Yes. It's been said, Yeah, seven times. So it's not that you don't have a voice, right? It's just that you choose to speak when you want to fucking speak whether you feel it's relevant or not. I choose when


I want to use my voice. And I just, you could just fucking talk.


Well, this is like the fucking energises the perfect,


right. Yeah. I mean, you talked the most from the podcast than I do. I just kind of,


but it's like the what do they call that? That magic show? Oh, the guy that doesn't speak. I didn't tell what was that. It's like, that's just like a really like, it's funny, but it's true. It is like, I don't know what to say. But I will tell you and I think I've said this before, when you do have something to say somebody better stop and fucking listen. Because it's, that's some true shit coming really from within from within me. Yes. So anyway, we just wanted to do this sort of shorter episode here. But we wanted to let you guys know that we appreciate 100% Anybody who comes on here and listens to what we have to say, because ultimately it is just us sharing or rambling on about what happened to us in the past. And we hope that that helps out. And our story's not over. No. Like, we're in the middle of like, look, we're in the middle. This is just a whole new chapter for us, as well. And we're just in the middle of our fucking book. So we want to encourage people that more we understand. Well, this is I think, like we said, Yesterday, it was funny, we were on a bike ride, and we were doing our thing, and we were Wisconsin, and we just were always talking. We're always talking. One thing I said is that what this is doing, is not teaching me about you. Or you about me anymore, because we know that right? What this is doing is this is man, we're growing up right now. Learning about life together, right? Even after 34 years. It's crazy. And that's that's fucking incredible. Yeah, it's awesome. And here you think that you think that you know everything or you've experienced everything? Whatever. Shit? Yeah, you just there's so much it's such a journey in the fucking adventure is real in life is just so full of fucking ups and downs. Like I don't even know how to explain it. I just feel and one encourage you guys to just share your moments. Be in the moment. Take everything as it comes. Don't take life so fucking seriously, because believe me trust me when I tell you man, the shits gonna quit what do you say? This too shall pass he she says but believe me she says it all the time all the time. But I'm telling you because I'm just jogging her memory. But that's one of her famous things this too shall pass like you got to just keep fucking moving forward we talked about this is what we've done our whole relationship. Definitely. So anyway, wanted to come on sort of talking about that a little bit. Hope you guys are enjoying what's going on? And we want you guys just to keep just keep fucking fighting forward. people that enjoy your journey. Create new adventures. Keep fucking going by