How We Met (Part 1)

Big Papa & The Freakin Puerto Rican Season 1 Episode 6

This time, we're getting personal, real personal. Nancy and I are diving deep into the heart of our past, retracing the steps that led two wildly different individuals to cross paths and forge a bond that's stood the test of time.

We're taking you back, way back, to the point where I returned to the church community, only to find myself amidst a vibrant, diverse group of friends. Among them was Nancy, and that's where our extraordinary journey began. We're opening up about our whirlwind romance and the myriad hurdles that stood in our path.

[00:07] - Kicking off the episode amidst the summer heat.
[03:45] - Setting the stage for a remarkable journey together.
[11:52] - Our perspectives on church and societal norms.
[18:00] - Real talk about early parenting experiences.
[24:15] - Personal life events that shaped us.
[28:30] - Reflection and a glimpse into the next episode.

As we share this chapter of our lives, you'll see a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the unwavering commitment to authenticity. We're thrilled to have you along as we continue to share our story in part 2 of our "How We Met" series. If you're enjoying the ride, don't forget to rate us, follow the podcast, and drop a review. Your support keeps us real. 

Nick  0:07  
It's time to get fucking authentic.

Man, it is fucking hot here today.

Nancy  0:15  
It is like soupy, soupy soup thick. Hot, moist. Oh shit.

Nick  0:25  
Okay, so we went outside for a little bit to do a little outside work. It's too much. Well, it is summer but and then we'll be complaining our asses off because two months from now it'll be fucking snow on the ground. It's true. Yeah, people have been saying so How the hell did you two meet? So we decided to tell you guys. Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be a few episodes, I think 34 years into it. Is that crazy? That is crazy. Yeah, it's insane. But we're going to do it right? Yes. All right. So how we met. Let's see. So you guys have heard the stories of where I came from where Nancy came from. And we had mentioned that we did meet in church. But we didn't give like the whole story. We just sort of gave a little tidbits and said we would get back to it. And now we are here fucking getting back to it. So church, I think the first thing was that I had come back after a hiatus being kicked out all that shit. We went through that story a little bit. And then

I came back, they sent me out to the Kool Aid camp. And then after that, I was allowed to come back. And Wallah. There you were,

Nancy  1:36  
well, you started talking to one of my friends.

Nick  1:40  
And that was it? No.

So I come back...

Nancy  1:42  
The world had changed. Right, the world had changed.

Nick  1:45  
Because when I came back, there was a bunch of new faces a bunch of new people there. When I got kicked out at 13. The joint was still pretty much the same. And then when I came back, it was all different, different people, different faces, different nationalities, different colors, man, it was fucking crazy. That's not how I was raised, right, I was raised with a certain amount of people. And that's it. And then all of a sudden, we have all this diversity. And it like sort of hit me it was, it was cool and weird all at the same time. But it is what it is. Obviously, I was under the microscope. Right coming back. But like we had said before, things had started to loosen up a bit. And so people were able to talk to each other a little bit more, but you were still always being watched. Of course, knowing what I knew from the very beginning, I took full advantage of that. Well, precaution but advantage, I sort of knew how to work through the system, I think, yes, you do. So I started talking with this chick. And man, she was cool. And when I say she was cool, like, the big problem for me is when I when I get attached to someone, I get attached. And it's not like my soul. Like I get attached to people who are just like on the same page as me. And this girl happened to be one of those people. And we just clicked like, Man, I love this chick, like it was not like a relationship type. Well, like a sexual relationship, right? It was just those two friends. She was just fucking chick. We were talking, we would laugh. And that was it. We were talking, we would laugh and we were talking. She had an infectious laugh that was just fucking unbelievable. Out of this world. She was goofy as fuck. And that's what I loved about it. So anyway, we begin talking and come to find out the her roommate happens to be the one to notice, Nancy. I saw you around. And from the very beginning, we've talked about this there was no real attraction wasn't I wasn't even thinking about that. Really, to be honest with you know, we were just just people hanging out, you know, that's it. I was invited over by this chicks house. And she's like, Hey, why don't you come over Nancy's at the house, and she's not feeling good. I think she was bringing you something or whatever. I don't know what it was. And, of course, we were still sort of sneaking because we weren't supposed to be hanging out, like a one on one type of thing. Right? So that's how we sort of, that's how we sort of had our one on one, not one on one, but just sort of like that little group and just knew who each other was, you know, then it sort of grew from there. It was like, we would then just sort of hang out and talk. Yeah, we would go off a coffee. In the beginning. I think it was more just pure interest of like,

Nancy  4:36  
oh, yeah, it was I was so interested because you were in the church left. And then came back. Yeah. So I found that like, wow, they weren't that many people that would come back to church.

Nick  4:50  
That was the stories about how I was such a rebel and Right, exactly,

Nancy  4:55  
and then your mom was an elder. It was just, it was an interesting story. So I was Like, we would just sit and talk and then you wanted to know about my side my story. Well shit

Nick  5:05  
fucking honest with you I've never really spoken with a Spanish chick or a black chick or anybody, like out of outside of the church. So it was something different. Even when I got kicked out. I was at a predominantly all white school, all white neighborhood. And so yeah, it was something different. And it was something for us. I think we said this before, we're sort of mysterious. It was a bit sneaky. You know what I mean? Because we really weren't supposed to be talking to each other. We really weren't supposed to be, you know, sneaking around. But I think at that point, for me, it didn't matter. Anyway, I think for you, it must not have mattered a little bit. But I kind

Nancy  5:45  
of thought because of the other two people that were from church were always with us. Yeah, like they were used to. So there you go. chaperones to

Nick  5:54  
like Nancy's best friend, the girl that I had been talking with, and just getting along with really well, she had met another dude, which was a guy that I had been talking with. And again, he wasn't a guy that I grew up with. He was Puerto Rican guy, really cool guy. And we just sort of clicked as well. There was no judgment, there was nothing like we were just, we were just hanging, he sort of got hooked up with this one girl that that of course that I was saying that, that I was just like, pretty much in love with as far as a friendship was and then she was best friends with Nancy. And so it was just sort of like, I think because organic that it just sort of waves off where it was hung around, I guess. In my head, it was okay. Fucking stupid. Regardless. I just remember man, night after night after night, we would just sit and talk, talk, talk, talk fucking have to go to work. By eight o'clock in the morning, we'd be talking till six 630 in the morning and just fucking leave and just go right to work.

Nancy  6:48  
And it was all working at the church school.

Nick  6:51  
Yeah, yeah, you were working at the school. So the church had a school. We've talked about that in the past. And Nancy worked for the school. And then I just worked. Whatever job I was doing probably in construction or something. I then approached the leadership, we had gotten to the point where we're like, wow, we really enjoy each other's company, we enjoy each other. And the thing to do would be to go to the leadership and then get approval, permission permission to sort of talk and to go that step further. So that's what I did. And basically, I was shut down. Yeah, told Fuck you. Fuck you. She's not the one for you, is what they told me. God doesn't want you to marry her or be with her. God had told us that you should probably be with this other person. First of all, I was fucking livid.

Nancy  7:45  
Because I say the least. I mean,

Nick  7:47  
well, yeah, well, right, of course. Right. We hadn't done anything to that point. We we had literally we're just talking like there was nothing involved in that thing. I thought I would do things the right way. We thought we would do things the right way. So I'm shot down, right? And they say, well, there's this other chick that we believe you should be with and blah, blah, blah. The ironic part about that story is we'll catch up on that, but holy shit, that'll fucking blow your all's mind. But anyway, this girl I grew up with. And they said that that's who God said that I should be with. Yeah, I don't think I was having any of it. Because that's not the way that I felt. Or

Nancy  8:24  
no, yes. Not the way and forget about it. Now then. That was like, we were under the Michael.

Nick  8:31  
So at that point, yeah, of course, we were fucking under the microscope, like big time. Crazy. So I had already been around for a long time. I knew how these people fucking operated. And I knew that once they had said, No, that there was no going back from that. But what they didn't know is my fucking resolve. So those people taught me how to fucking crawl my way back from being fucking abused, and neglected for fucking years. And so they were going to get the worst end of it as far as I was concerned.

Nancy  9:06  
And as far as I was concerned, I was trying to still follow the rules and

Nick  9:12  
the rule maker. The rule fucking follower.

Nancy  9:15  
I mean, they would literally drive to my house, check the apartment, make sure that you weren't there. Yeah. I mean, it was crazy.

Nick  9:22  
Yeah. Yeah, so these fucking people would literally chaperone her home. Not these people. My own mom and group would chaperone her home, check the apartment, make sure I wasn't in there. So this was all because they knew who I was. They knew. I guess at that point, maybe what I was capable of or whatever they were making whatever monster they were fucking making me out. That was in front of view. My mom would be calling your mom. You know, he's just gonna get her pregnant. They're not meant for each other. You better watch out. He's violent. All kinds of shit. To explain you lived in The apartment that was right below your mom, your mom had owned a building, and you lived in that apartment. And so of course that put all this fear in her mom. And so anytime I would come around, then you would get it from both ends, right? You get it from your church, and they didn't get it from your mom and your mom wasn't in church. So yeah, so this just continued on for a while. And then I want to say, I was so poor, I think I left again, maybe not, maybe I was still just skating by in there. I can't remember if it was at that point. No, it still wasn't at that point. I was still there. But they were watching me big time. I had the chains on and I was just skating under the radar a little bit. What I would do is I knew that they would do this. So what I would do is wait down the block, and I would watch them come and all this happen. And then when they left, I would go to the place. Right? But at that point, you were so freaked out. I was freaked out. You wouldn't even fucking talk to me.

Nancy  10:55  
Yeah, there's no way I can talk to you. No, this is not of God, I can't do this. Yeah, exactly.

Nick  11:02  
You know, we would go out like for the past three or four months, we would go out. So I already started knowing pretty much everything about you. Right? So like food or would like to, you know, I'd sit there and bring you food and put it on the steps and knock on the window. And be you know, whatever. And just stand out by my car just sitting there waiting and waiting,

Nancy  11:22  
you would stop and I'm like, please, please, you have to

Nick  11:25  
stop. And I'm like, fuck that. You don't know what the fuck is going on. And you were all fucking condemned to go into hell. And it was yeah, it was scary time. And for me, I wasn't having none. None of it. I was like, fuck that. We talked about being together. And that was it. That was it for me. I would not fucking give up. That's, this is you guys. This is one thing about both of us that you'll see is like, I never gave up. When I was a kid for any fucking thing being abused or whatever. I would just man. I just never fucking gave up. I just refuse to fucking say no to anything. And you were so you committed to doing what you had to do that at some point. You know, what winds up happening is they keep getting in the way getting in the way getting in the way. And finally I had to come up with a plan to show you just how they were like for truly who they were. And so what winds up happening is one day, you're working in the school, you were the secretary. Yes. And I walk in the school

Nancy  12:33  
and Africa.

Nick  12:36  
Well, they all freak out. But remember in the beginning you were just standing there. Right? You were the secretary. So you were standing right there. And I said, Come on, you're coming with me. And you're like, Oh, what are you doing here? What are you doing? Right, what happened?

Nancy  12:51  
I said, No, I can't. And I think the elders took me.

Nick  12:55  
So the office to the school was literally right there. The Office of the school was right across from the secretary's desk. And they wound up seeing me in there with you. And they wound up telling me that I needed to leave. And if I didn't leave that they would call the police. And I said we'll do what the fuck you have to do. Fuck you. I'm not leaving. And so I started creating a scene. Yes. And at this point, they had parents of course from the outside coming in as well and blah, blah, blah. So they were very good at covering things up. So they didn't want a scene to happen. So they immediately took said, Okay, let's go downstairs. Let's go downstairs into the kitchen area. Yeah, let's talk downstairs talk downstairs. They wanted to talk behind closed doors, because that's how these motherfucking cowards were all the time. Yes. And I knew this. I did not. I knew this was going to happen, right? Because this is what happened my whole life. Everything was behind doors. Unless they wanted to make an example of you but they couldn't do that in the school because that was their moneymaker. And there were people from the outside of church whose kids were going there too. So they couldn't see this is the thing nobody knew the inside of this fucking place. Even you know I didn't know that everybody thought it was just this Christian fucking beautiful environmental peace and love motherfuckers where it just anyway, so I just get a little pissed off once in a while but anyway, well just know. I know just the fucking influence that they had on people that was just such fucking bullshit a poll. Yeah, that was it was fake. This is why hate fucking motherfucking fake people. That's what again what this pocket says, Dude, it's just fucking it just irks me. But anyway, so we we get taken down into this room. And I remember it was it was my mom. And two of the other actually was my mom, my aunt and another elder. Yes. So my mom was there she was an elder than the other one person was there because she was an elder and then my aunt you have to understand and man God bless my aunt soul man. She's not with For sending more, but I'll tell you what, man I didn't get along with her back then. You know when I take that back, I did get along with her because she was a fucking rebel as well, right? She just happened to be put in a bad fucking situation. She just went along with the program right be grudgingly but she did. And she was a badass chick. My aunt was a badass chick. I'll tell you, man to the day she passed away. She was just as bad as chick that had a heart of gold if you needed anything. But anyway, we get into this room and they bring her in because she's this badass chick, right? She was this old biker Hells Angel fucking crazy ass. And she wouldn't take shit from nobody. And they thought their their plan was for her to fucking turn on me. Right that that ultimately was the fucking plan. So what ends up happening, you know, you're sitting down on the couch, and I'm standing up. And the argument goes back and forth. And through it all I

Nancy  16:02  
tell him you don't want to see him anymore. Tell him that.

Nick  16:05  
That's exactly what,

Nancy  16:06  
like crazy. And I'm just like, What the hell is going on here? Like this was insane, like

Nick  16:13  
you've ever experienced in your life. And I know exactly what the fuck is going on?

Nancy  16:17  
I'm doing this talking to this guy. Like, I don't know, we didn't even kiss we didn't. I mean, we're just talking like, Yeah, I mean, this is insane. Tell them tell them and then all of a sudden,

Nick  16:28  
I chimed in with them. And I said to her. Go ahead, tell them.

Nancy  16:34  
I'm looking at you like what do you

Nick  16:36  
what the fuck you talking about? I'm like, go ahead, tell them and they're like, tell us what tell us what.

Nancy  16:43  
But just like I don't talk, I didn't say any. Like

Nick  16:49  
you're looking at me. And I just I felt like I'd betrayed you when I said it. But I said it. And I said, go ahead. Tell them we slept together.

Nancy  16:56  
And I just looked at what

Nick  17:01  
really was. I'm a motherfucking virgin bro. What are you talking about? But but all along? I'm doing this on purpose. right all along? I know what's going to happen and exactly what I knew was going to happen happened at that point.

Nancy  17:16  
Your mother

Nick  17:18  
pulled my hair ripped you fucking up slapped me? Yep. Well, you became a punching bag.

Nancy  17:25  
And I just yeah, it was a cop. Like, it was like something. Like, I just like, What the fuck just happened here. Like, I'm on doesn't even hit me. Like, what is going on here? Yeah,

Nick  17:39  
it was the hardest thing for me to do. But I knew that if it didn't happen that way, that you'd never fuckin see what was really going on with these people.

Nancy  17:50  
It was crazy. And then they still kept on and I said, No, I don't want to see you anymore. And that was it. I think well, they

Nick  17:57  
told me to get out. Yeah. They they made you tell me that you didn't want to see me anymore. You were still shocked, but under the influence and and I laughed, and I said, Oh, you will? I said oh, you will? And I fucking walked out. And that was the night that it started pouring rain. Yeah. brought food again. Yes. I think the the time after that is when you then said come on in. You invited me? Yeah, I'm inside the house. And I think

Nancy  18:28  
that was Yeah, yeah, I was I had it. Like there was no way that these people were going to control. Yeah. Especially because it was nothing that was done. Well, yeah, of course. We didn't lie.

Nick  18:39  
Yeah. Well, that was a lie. Right. So somebody was lying about so in this is what we've been fighting, I think. Now throughout our whole marriage, a lie people that you know, want to make up stories. The bottom line is, is that everybody has a motive for doing what they're doing their motive what they believe that their that point was that they were saving your soul, you know, from hell, which was just so ill advised and fucking stupid. And my motive for doing what I was doing was that shit, it was so weird for me because I never felt what I felt with you at that point. And again, part of it was the newness of it, you know, different experience of it and, and all that combined, but but man for some reason. I just wouldn't give up on it. And that wasn't like, unless I really wanted something I would just give up be like, Yeah, fuck it. You know what I mean? It's not worth it. But we both stuck with it. Yeah, ultimately, we both stuck with it. Right? And part of that is obviously the reason why we're talking about it right now. So we wind up getting together.

Nancy  19:56  
Yes. And wind up moving in with me where I

Nick  19:59  
wind up moving in with you in the basement, by your mom, which, uh, Jimmy was not. Well, dude. So so now we're getting it from that side, right? Because your mom can't fucking stand me. Right, right? You're supposed to be with a Puerto Rican dude, or at least the Spanish dude, right? As far as that's concerned. Here you are with a white guy, you're with the white guy, whose mom said, I was just gonna get you pregnant. I'm violent, you know, and what mom wants to hear that number one. So number one, I'm going to begin with number two, violent number three. I'm a womanizer. So I'm just gonna get you pregnant and leave you. So it was all these typical stereotypes, which I didn't know happened in every family, but it did because it was in my family as well, for the most part. And then we get together. And then we wind up saying, hey, let's get married. Yeah. That was like, fuck, like, we were together only like six months, six, seven months. Yeah. And then it was like, Hey, we're getting married. And we pick a date to get married. And so all the shits going on, right? We're doing all this shit. You know, we're planning this. And you gotta remember planning a wedding. That's not like, our fucking wedding was like $11 a plate. Okay, people. This isn't like we're planning this fucking huge. We didn't have we didn't have any money. We lived in your mom's basement. I think we were paying $150 a month, I can remember. And I don't even think sometimes we could afford that. I think at the point you are I remember specifically because I was like, Holy fuck, we're going somewhere like, your check was like $417 every two weeks. And my check was like another 100 And something bucks or whatever, working in and out of places. And so we were like, Holy fuck. We bought remember, we bought a car. The fucking interest rate was like 37% Because we have no fucking credits. Yeah, yeah, the fucking regal interest rate was like, 37% because we had no interest crazy. I was 19 You were 20? We had no fucking clue. Right? We had no clue in life. But I will tell you we were two driven motherfuckers Yes. So we had no clue. But we were driven as fuck. I had more of an entrepreneurial spirit. Coming from where I came from. Obviously, I couldn't take any kind of criticism. I couldn't take anything. Tell me what to do. I couldn't take a compliment. Whether it was good, I couldn't take anything. Like so as far as I was concerned, it was me against the world. And now I fucking found my body. Right? Fucking Bonnie and Clyde. Like, for me, I was like, holy shit. I got this crazy as bitch who's just as driven as I am. We're gonna do some shit. And it was funny because I think we make out the wedding list. And of course, at that point, my mom's not going right. Your dad's not going? I think we had like, let's just say there was like 115 or 120 people. I don't even know why don't say that. And, and 60 people wind up coming to our fucking money. So what happened is my mom tells all the people in the church that I had invited, you better not go if you go, you're going to hell. So there was that whole dynamic from that side. And then from your side. It is what it is right? There wasn't a big family anyway, exactly. Know what I'm saying. So it wasn't a big deal. Anyway, 60 people wind up showing her wedding at our wedding. There's like the people that we have to have stand up, right. So it was like, so it was like my brother. I think there were like, 16

Nancy  23:48  
We were so young. It was like a couple

Nick  23:50  
of my buddies that I grew up with in church. I loved it. I mean, these were my brothers. These These were like dudes that were behind me no matter what. And then then my brother then your sister and brother. Right? And they were what? 1415

Nancy  24:05  
Oh, younger.

Nick  24:06  
Right? Oh, yeah. Well, because Oh, that's right. Yeah, they're

Nancy  24:09  
10 years.

Nick  24:10  
Do you have to understand you guys like to paint the picture? Right. And I ended up in a wedding. I mean, it is what it is. Right. I think the oldest person was my older brother. I think so. Yeah. And he was the one that helped out the most he did. He was like, he gave me money. To help out with the hotel. Like we had no money. We have fucking nothing. We found this little chapel.

Nancy  24:31  
Right? Because of course we couldn't get married in the church. Your church,

Nick  24:35  
and we didn't fucking want to anyway, we didn't. We're by we found this little chapel. I think we paid we pay harm. 50 bucks for that preacher. Something to marry us. It's so long. I can't even do it. It was crazy. I even had hair back then. Yeah, you did. So so we're planning this fucking wedding. We're we're moving ahead right? Yeah, all of a sudden what happens? You go to try try and your dress. Yeah.

Nancy  25:01  
Yeah, like working out like crazy. What's going

Nick  25:04  
so so what's happening is Nancy, you're gaining a little bit of weight. Yeah, right. And I'm like, fuck, we need to work out what the fuck? So I'm literally we're we're working out we're fucking push ups sit ups like we're working on doing body workouts or whatever. And you're you're gaining some weight but not a lot of weight. You're just like, you know, it's just like whatever you go for your dress because your your aunt was actually doing your dress Wasn't she? One of your aunts? I can't remember. You go to do the fitting in. It's not fitting you. So we're like what the fuck? So the chick your roommate, right? She's pregnant? Yes. And she goes

Nancy  25:46  
to the doctor. Right? Can you remember stuff?

Nick  25:49  
Yeah. Fucked up. i Dude, my fucking memory.

Nancy  25:52  
Oh, that's good. That's good.

Nick  25:54  
So this chick goes to her her thing. And gal vet the doctor. Do you remember the doctor? I remember his name? He No, he says to you guys, right. Oh, how cool it is that y'all are both pregnant at the same time. Because your best friends? Yeah. And I looked at him and

Nancy  26:13  
I'm like, What are you talking about? Pregnant? Yeah, I'm not pregnant.

Nick  26:17  
So the backstory to that is what because you had some pretty you had some issues?

Nancy  26:22  
Yeah, I didn't think I could get pregnant. So that that was a big thing. And I used to get my menstrual cycles twice a year. Yeah. And I did get my cycle when Yeah, I was pregnant, not knowing that I was pregnant. So I'm like, I'm cool. Yeah, there's no way. And he's like, oh, yeah, there's a way in sir. Enough. You did a exam? Oh,

Nick  26:45  
no, no, no, no, hold on, hold on. No, all this stuff. Should girl because it happened to me. So you come home, and you're freaked the fuck out. And you're like, crying because this doctor told you you were pregnant. And you're getting married. And you're freaked out because you're gaining weight. And so we do a pregnancy test.

Nancy  27:04  
And then we find out I was pregnant. That's right. Yeah.

Nick  27:07  
And you were fucking flipped. We were flipping livid. Well, one of the things right is that you had like, your ovaries were fucked. Or your menstrual cycles were so it was kind of scary. Like, well, you have Type O negative blood. It was just

Nancy  27:21  
all because then I went back to go see he has to go see him and he needs to get injections certain times with this blood and well, he was livid. Yeah. is like, you know, how could you let this go for so long? And that right?

Nick  27:35  
There is the point. So here's what's so fucked up about this. He says, How can you let this go for so long? And we're like, What are you talking about? You wind up being six or seven months pregnant? 27 weeks? Yeah. 27 weeks pregnant? Yeah, that hits y'all motherfuckers her real hard, right? That she's crazy. So she's 27 weeks pregnant. So now we know why you're gaining weight. Now we know why your dress. Oh, yeah, we know it's coming together. Yeah. So we get pregnant, you get pregnant. I love that. You remember this more than I? And we wind up getting married while you're pregnant? Yes. Because it was like, boom, boom, one right after another, because that was your final fitting. So what ends up happening is we get married pregnant. And here. This kid decides to come two weeks, two weeks early. So we literally had 1920 years old, a month and a half to become parents. Yeah, insane. You want to talk about a fucking trip? I'm telling you, it's been a fucking ride. The beginning was just getting together. That in itself was like a fucking roller coaster. And then now we're together and we get hit with this. And we're like, Holy fuck, what the fuck are we going to do? And so for me, I'll tell you, I was I was excited. I was livid. I'm loved meaning I was. Unbelievably, I thought, ready for that. Because I knew how I was raised. And I was ready to raise a kid that was going to be able to be completely fucking different than me. I was going to be able to show this kid just how much love was in the world. Not violence, not hate. None of them. I wanted to show him. I wanted to love Him the way that I wasn't loved. So it was fucking crazy. And for you.

Nancy  29:43  
I was a little scared. Yep. I didn't know if I was gonna have a normal child. I thought could I handle somebody? You know, my brother had cerebral palsy. You know, like, I didn't know what was going to happen. The church then kind of got in my head like

Nick  29:59  
you Yeah, we were you, were you gonna be? Because you were backslidden? Right? Exactly, you know, had some sort of deformity guys they

Nancy  30:07  
always prayed for when people left church. I mean, they always prayed that Ill you know, something bad happened, you know, to bring you back to the church. So yeah, it was more of a scary thing because again, I wasn't supposed to have kids. Yeah. So, how did this happen? You know what I mean? How did this all happen? That was my biggest thing. So it was, you know, when I first saw

Nick  30:31  
again, to two different people, two different different totally fucking outlooks, you're freaked out. I'm fucking excited. I know, it's, I know, we're gonna make it work regardless, right? That's always my attitude. Like, we're gonna we're gonna fucking do this. Regardless, we're gonna get through it. And I think this was us learning who each other was also, at the time, definitely, yeah, because this was our first. That was our first big, big thing, obviously. So well, we're gonna stop here. I think we're gonna stop here to continue on the next episode. But we just wanted to give you guys a little tidbit about what's coming and want to share our story like y'all been asking. And I hope we're keeping you entertained as we go along. But remember, if you guys have a story that you'd like to submit as well, we're asking you guys to submit your story. It doesn't have to be a story of success or failure could be no a hero of yours. You could, you could want you could want to talk about somebody who inspired you, or, I mean, it's just about bringing these stories together. And it could come from anyone doesn't matter who you are, how different you are from someone else, or whatever it is. We're, we're trying to show you guys here that we come from two totally different backgrounds. We've made it 34 years. Until next time, we want to thank you guys for listening. Talk to you soon guys. Talk to you soon. Thanks. Bye

Transcribed by https://otter.ai