What We've Lost and What We've Learned

Nick n Nancy Season 1 Episode 26

Nancy and I wanted to come on to explain some changes we're making to the show's format going forward. We feel like we lost some of our mojo over the past few years and want to regain our power by telling our full story, from the beginning up until now. There will still be amazing guests, but we also want to share the ups, downs, laughs and tears from our relationship and family. We hope it inspires others going through tough times.

Episode Highlights:

[00:07] Poking fun at Nancy's sick voice and a surprising squirrel visit.

[02:05] Podcast format change announcement.

[02:43] Recently feeling like we lost some of our power and value after traumatic events.

[04:48] Share our goal to tell our full story to inspire others who are feeling stuck.

[06:26] Describe feeling trapped in sadness before realizing our power never left.

[07:44] Discuss learning to accept and adjust to loss.

[09:23] Promise to still have amazing guests on sharing success and failures.

[10:00] Nancy jokes about wanting to get over her cold before recording.

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It's time to get fucking off that. Well, hello there, Nancy.


Hello Nick, how are you? Coming to you live Sikhi


Nancy's voices crackling like the fireplace we have playing on the TV. We don't have a real fire. Oh, look at the squirrel in the back. We don't have a real fireplace. So we turn it on the TV. And Nancy's voice is crackling just like the fireplace.


Yes, just a little bit. Just


a little bit. Man. Everybody's going through this crap. Look at a squirrel. We plastic off our outdoor to come out and he's


he doesn't know how to get out. How do you get in? Oh, stop. I


don't know. I'm not gonna do nothing to him. It's just hilarious. He's like, how do I go? Where do I go? Where do we go? So really, to be honest with you. There's only one way in or out? Well, a couple of ways. He must have came in the underbelly of the plastic. The uncut lick lick lick. Where am I going? Where am I? Looking? I'm looking at us. Good. Just get out. Look it up. Anyway, alright. enough excitement for the squirrel. Yeah, I was. I've been sick for a couple of weeks. Nancy got it. She wanted to come who? I


got it. Oh, wow. I don't know who


I got it from either. What the hell? It's a couple days after Thanksgiving. Today we have our annual cookie day. Yes. That we have a bunch of people come over. And actually, there's 12 People who are not coming over for various reasons. Sick. Yeah, they're sick. One group just completely blew us off. And then the other group seven animal passed away. So we're


just like somebody was sick. And another one had an animal passed away? Yes. Well, one group just


blew us off an asshole. Anyway, probably sick. Yeah, probably sick. Exactly. So here we are. We wanted to sort of talk about real quick, a little bit of a difference. Different sort of what would you call it? For doing the podcast? Different oil change, a little format change. So we've been interviewing a few different people, and we're getting people on and telling their stories. And we think that's great. Great.


To drink in the mind that


what Hey, can have a good fight. Oh, did


you have one? This one? No, just a


little sip. You know how I am with alcohol? That's true. Actually, you guys eggnog and fucking fireball. It's pretty good. It's pretty good.


My sister in law


just said, Yeah. And you'd like yesterday, you tore that shit


up, or it was touring.


Touring, it was for Yeah. The past couple of weeks, we've really been talking about getting to know ourselves better. And we fail to realize just what our value is. Not only our value, but our power. And I don't mean power, like, the strength although we're, well, we're not as strong as we used. I was


gonna say Lord knows I have no strength. So.


But even I'll tell you what, even in our minds, though, I believe that we we lost some of the ability to see through things. And to really just keep fighting. Like we always did that. But I think part of the the issue when you know, when this thing happened with our son a few years ago, it just really it just really blindsided us bottom line. That's just that's just, it is what it is. And we lost some of our mojo, I think we definitely lost some of our mojo. And I think with that happening, though, throughout the years, we have been losing a little bit of that Mojo a little bit at a time.


And I think it's comfort if you become comfortable with what you're doing. And it's the same thing. I don't know, we


know that we lost it. We know that we lost a little bit of our power, especially in our minds. We know that we lost a little bit of our value. We know that our words really just became sort of words. They weren't really worth anything. And I think it took us a couple years now to have just agreed Yes. Well, getting to understand through the process. It really got us to understand that that never really left us. I'm saying our power and our value. We failed to record it. It was all us. It was not anything else. There's no circumstance. There's no nothing that that took that away from us.


Right. Other things came in, we just allowed it to what's the word? We


allowed to trade it? We allowed it to invade our fucking mind. If we allowed it to invade our thought process, we allowed it to just take over. Yeah, bottom line totally. And it was easier for us. Even when we started the podcast, we talked a little bit about our story. But it was easier just to get other people on though, and still not really dive deep into our story and really dive deep into how we've become so successful, right? And successful isn't just Oh, like, we were born with a fucking silver spoon in our right, we're talking about the fucking fight in the heart and the pain in the fucking tears in the everything that goes with 34 years worth of fucking relationship. We're going to dive deeper into that, right, and we have certain things that we've learned that we want to share with you guys. Again, we're not here to give advice, because you have to realize that everyone is going through their own shit. And they're going to find a way out of their own fucking shitbag we're here to share our experiences. So that it could be some sort of a roadmap, right? Or it could, you know, you could say, oh, man, they tried this, or they did this or, but I think which eye


opener for somebody else, you know, to me, it's like just the only one going through it, you know? Anyone, you know, that that has happened to and I think people just don't talk enough about it? Well,


and I think people feel like we felt maybe we allowed our emotions and our feelings to take over, unfortunately, and we could not see our way out. And we were just caught and buried in this fucking hole. Which, okay, you know, there's, there's a time for that. But to be honest with you, we have to make the choice to get out of that. And we have to make the choice to get out of that, right.


And some people, you're one of those people that just keeps going, some people don't some people just don't see a way out.


We have found our way out. We still I still fucking miss my my son, and I still miss my family. But we've learned to deal with those feelings and those emotions that kind


of adjusted. We've adjusted, I think I've adjusted I don't know, if I've learned to deal with it. I think I've adjusted, okay, you have no choice, right? You have to you either adjust to what it is now, and what it has become, and you hope that things change. Yeah, I think that's the best way for me to just say it for myself. Yeah.


And in my, in my case, whatever word we want to use, adjust or deal with it. I just know that the other parties involved are going through what they're going through as well. Right, and how I deal with it as I realize that we're all human beings, and that we have our own things that we have to go through. And I can't force certain things to happen. I'm not looking for it to be the way it was or change, we start to talk and we get it. This is the idea behind what we're trying to do is, is change the format so that we're telling our story and in depth from the beginning to to the present, or from the present to the beginning, or however we want to do it. And there are so many funny, sad, interesting,


well, they're different topics, so many different stories


that are involved in it for you years, kind


of do different topics right on the show, you know what I mean? So whatever it is, and it's always those a different topic, we'll bring up a story


series, we have a few like series of different things like the ABCs of marriage for us, like literally a through z, right? And what that means to us and where we're going with that, you know, running a family is like running a business. People say wow, that that seems a little, like off edge or something. But the reality is, is if you really dive deep into how a business is run, if a family has run the same way it can be very successful. Yeah, so I mean, there's there's a few things that we really want to get into. So anyway,


that will bring in different people as we Yeah, of course.


Oh, we still have people lined up. And there's still some real interesting stories that are out there of success or failures of sadness. We have a guest coming up that faced his own cancer when he was a kid. We have another guest coming up that went through a pretty messed up divorce. So we have a couple lined up but we just wanted to let you guys know that we're going to change it up a little bit. Fucking authentic 24/7 all the time. Wait for stuff


that while I just want to get rid of this code first


oh my god actually your voice is sometimes it's hilarious because it it goes up and it goes down and it goes in and out and crackles and not crackles Yep, we wanted to come out and let you guys know that that's what we're doing. And we appreciate you guys listening. We appreciate your support, keep subscribing, keep reviewing.


We'll talk to you next week. Talk


to you next week. Bye. Adios.